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In the year 2015 the world stands on the brink of destruction. The cast included megumi ogata as shinji ikari kotono mitsuishi as misato katsuragi megumi.
Neon Genesis Evangelion In 2020 Neon Evangelion Neon Genesis Evangelion Evangelion View image
Oct 4 1995 to mar 27 1996 studios.

Neon genesis evangelion anime. Neon genesis evangelion 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン shin seiki evangerion lit. Neon genesis evangelion japanese. The act of watching neon genesis evangelion is a deeply visceral experience.
Neon genesis evangelion japanese. Gainax tatsunoko production durasi. Neon genesis evangelion essentially has two endings both of which are now available on netflix.
Shinseiki evangerion lit new century gospel is a japanese mecha anime television series produced by gainax and tatsunoko production directed by hideaki anno and broadcast on tv tokyo from october 1995 to march 1996. The end of the tv series specifically episodes 25 and 26 which originally aired in early 1996. Humanity s last hope lies in the hands of nerv a special agency under the united nations and their evangelions giant machines capable of defeating the angels who.
Find out more with myanimelist the world s most active online anime and manga community and database. Much like the 14 year olds at the center of the story you end up feeling so many different emotions as the narrative. Looking for information on the anime neon genesis evangelion.
New century evangelion commonly referred to as evangelion is a japanese anime series created by gainax that began in october 1995 the anime was written and directed by hideaki anno and co produced by tv tokyo and nihon ad systems nas it gained international renown and won several animation.